What is it?

Sonixine is an innovative drug designed to improve hearing in people of any age. The products are produced in a convenient form - in the form of capsules, there are 15 pieces in 1 package. The product has anti-inflammatory, protective, strengthening, cleansing and stimulating properties. Suitable for restoring hearing at home, with no additional use of various pharmaceuticals required: the capsules provide a positive result on their own. Sonixines innovative products are superior to their analogues, as proven by laboratory and clinical examinations and confirmed by reviews of practicing doctors. The product has been issued a high quality certificate.

How it works?

The active ingredients of Sonixine recognize pathogenic microflora in the blood, suppress its activity, and prevent otitis media from becoming chronic. Helps remove wax and fluid from the inner ear. They regenerate the eardrum and normalize the blood supply to the auditory center. They improve the conduction of sounds along the nerve fibers running in the inner ears and the brain. Removes toxins from the body, including those that accumulate due to medication.
Sonixine Official website
Attention!Only today 16.10.24
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New price49 £

How to use?

Take 1 dose of Sonixine product.
The product should be taken 1 capsule on an empty stomach. After each dose of the drug, drink at least 200 ml of still water.
Take your next dose of Sonixine after 12 hours.
Take capsules twice a day - morning and evening, at the same time.
Take a full course of hearing restoration.
Sonixine should be taken for 1 month. It is not recommended to interrupt the course, deviate from the drug dosing schedule, or complete therapy with initial improvement in well-being.


Vitamin-mineral complex - Sonixine Composition

Vitamin-mineral complex

Relieves tinnitus, eliminates dizziness. Clears the ear canals of wax accumulation, which allows sounds to penetrate more efficiently into the inner ear. Heals eardrums, protects them from the adverse effects of external and internal factors.
Medicinal plant extracts - Sonixine Composition

Medicinal plant extracts

Carry out blood detoxification; eliminate problems associated with coordination of movements. Helps distinguish sounds at different distances.
Herbal antiseptics - Sonixine Composition

Herbal antiseptics

They stabilize the hormonal balance, thereby preventing its disruption and subsequent weakening of hearing. Relieves pain and sensation of pulsation in the ears.


Payment - Cash on Delivery
Delivery Country - United Kingdom
Delivery - 5-7 days
Availability - Yes


  • Weakening of hearing due to age-related changes, stress, after a traumatic brain injury, otitis media, intoxication of the body, hormonal imbalance.
  • The desire to restore hearing using natural products, not pharmaceutical drugs.
  • Ineffectiveness of using a hearing aid.
  • Signs: feeling of background noise, unintelligibility of the interlocutor’s speech, distance of voices and sounds, stuffy ears; difficulty concentrating on sounds; dizziness.


  • Allergic reaction to the components of the drug Sonixine.
  • Pregnancy, period of breastfeeding.
  • Heart, kidney, liver failure.
  • Under 18 years of age.
  • Oncological processes in the body.
  • Blood clotting disorder.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to use?
It is absolutely safe to use this dietary supplement if you follow the manufacturer's instructions and carefully study the contraindications
How long does delivery take?
Average delivery time from 3 to 8 days depending on where you live
Can Sonixine be bought at a pharmacy?
No, our dietary supplements are sold only on this site. If you saw it in a store or pharmacy - do not buy it, as it is a fake
Are there side effects?
There were no other side effects other than those we have described.

Customer Reviews

“Sonixine restored my hearing within a month, while expensive medications did not provide even a tenth of what I was able to achieve with this natural drug. I consider the fact that the course lasted 4 weeks to be an acceptable fact, since we are talking about improving hearing. At first I noticed that the sounds became clearer, then the dizziness disappeared and I was able to remove the feeling that my ears were blocked. There is only one conclusion - I should have ordered Sonixine initially, and not after unsuccessful attempts at treatment with drugs that I bought at the pharmacy.”
“I can only speak positively about the quality of Sonixine, since these capsules helped in a rather difficult situation associated with hearing loss. The product turned out to be easy to use and fast-acting. I noticed a primary improvement in well-being after just a few days of therapy. I didn’t expect any other effect, because the drug consists of natural ingredients. The treatment lasted only a month; I completed it at home and did not go to a medical facility. I consider myself truly lucky to learn about this product.”
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